Welp… It’s happening, the most influential PC game of all time Half-Life (in my humble opinion) is launching their flag ship title Half-Life: Alyx VR. As an older nerd from the world of dial-up modems, Half-Life was one of the first games that blew me away, a game so well done from story to gameplay, that mods like Counter-Strike and Team Fortress Classic to name a few have spawned from it and are still being played to this day, creating one of the most successful franchises in the known galaxy for PC gaming.

Sure this isn’t Half-Life 3, but it’s still a completely new Half-Life universe designed exclusively for VR, and if anyone on this planet can pull it off, it’s Valve. For those of you younger ones who haven’t played Half-Life 1 or 2 yet, I’d highly recommend leaving this article, jumping on steam and downloading it. Sure graphic wise it isn’t up to par for today’s titles, but it’s the gameplay, story and immersion itself that for the time of release, was an absolute game changer and one of the best first person shooters around.

This is a big deal for VR, a really big deal. An off the top prediction on my end, millions of players will buy VR HMD’s just to play Half-Life: Alyx. People on the fence will cross the fence to play this game, people not even close to the VR fence will do the same. Half-Life 1 & 2 was truly one of the top tier games of our generation and making an exclusive Half-Life title in VR will single-handedly push VR forward not only for hardware, but raise the bar for other VR developers to provide better content.

For those buying VR HMD’s just for Half-Life: Alyx, should also be pleasantly surprised with other VR content available to them. I think this is great timing with the amount of new wireless HMD’s now available and costs becoming cheaper, a March 2020 release for Half-Life: Alyx feels right.
You can Pre-Purchase Half-Life: Alyx here.
What are your thoughts on the state of VR and Valves upcoming flagship title Half-Life: Alyx?
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